Impact Blogs

Introducing Muyal-Online: Your SEO Content Assistant

Pearl | Apr 14, 2024

Photo by Jean-Philippe Delberghe on Unsplash

The Problem We Address

In the digital world, content is key. But with information overload, it's not enough to write expert content. It must be mobile-first, fast loading, bite-sized and visually engaging. Consistency is also crucial to attract search engine algorithms.

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The Challenges

Quality content writers who also know image editing, design tools, publishing, SEO optimization techniques, indexing or analytics are rare. This makes it hard for startups to consistently churn out high-quality content.

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Our Solution

Muyal-Online is your solution. It creates and publishes beautiful mobile-first, fast loading, SEO optimized, visually engaging Google webstories in just a minute. All you need to provide are your inputs.

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Simplified Content Marketing

With Muyal-Online, content marketing is simplified. It's like providing inputs to your personal assistant. You're only limited by the time you spend on the software or the plan you subscribe to.

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Better Search Discovery

Muyal-Online helps you rock on content marketing, leading to better search discovery and organic traffic. It also adds to site maps for indexing to Google.

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

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Try Muyal-Online

Experience the benefits of Muyal-Online for yourself. Email us at for a 2-week complimentary trial.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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